50th Anniversary Collection - Top 50 Most Read Articles - free access
This year the Journal of Peasant Studies is celebrating its 50th year in print. Since the first volume spanning 1973-1974, JPS has tackled some of the most powerful issues in the rural world. To celebrate the anniversary we are releasing a golden collection of articles free access until August 31st. This collection includes the top 50 most read articles in JPS history. They cover classic concepts, but also pressing timely issues and articles used in classrooms, study groups, and among practitioners around the world. We hope this collection continues to spur thought and creative action.
Top 50 Most Read Articles in JPS History
Scoones, Ian, Livelihoods perspectives and rural development
Fairhead, James; Leach, Melissa; Scoones, Ian, Green Grabbing: a new appropriation of nature?
Patel, Raj, Food sovereignty
Kay, Cristóbal, Development strategies and rural development: exploring synergies, eradicating poverty
McMichael, Philip, A food regime genealogy
Patel, Raj, The Long Green Revolution
Moore, Jason W., The Capitalocene, Part I: on the nature and origins of our ecological crisis
Clapp, Jennifer; Moseley, William G., This food crisis is different: COVID-19 and the fragility of the neoliberal food security order
Scoones, Ian; Edelman, Marc; Borras, Saturnino M., Jr.; Hall, Ruth; Wolford, Wendy; White, Ben, Emancipatory rural politics: confronting authoritarian populism
Borras, Saturnino M., Jr.; Hall, Ruth; Scoones, Ian; White, Ben; Wolford, Wendy, Towards a better understanding of global land grabbing: an editorial introduction
Edelman, Marc; Weis, Tony; Baviskar, Amita; Borras, Saturnino M., Jr.; Holt-Giménez, Eric; Kandiyoti, Deniz; Wolford, Wendy, Introduction: critical perspectives on food sovereignty
Hall, Ruth; Scoones, Ian; Tsikata, Dzodzi, Plantations, outgrowers and commercial farming in Africa: agricultural commercialisation and implications for agrarian change
Borras, Saturnino M., Jr., Agrarian change and peasant studies: changes, continuities and challenges - an introduction
Martinez-Alier, Joan; Temper, Leah; Del Bene, Daniela; Scheidel, Arnim, Is there a global environmental justice movement?
Hall, Ruth; Edelman, Marc; Borras, Saturnino M., Jr.; Scoones, Ian; White, Ben; Wolford, Wendy, Resistance, acquiescence or incorporation? An introduction to land grabbing and political reactions 'from below'
Levien, Michael; Watts, Michael; Yan Hairong, Agrarian Marxism
Altieri, Miguel A.; Nicholls, Clara I., Agroecology and the reconstruction of a post-COVID-19 agriculture
Peluso, Nancy Lee; Lund, Christian, New frontiers of land control: Introduction
Cliffe, Lionel; Alexander, Jocelyn; Cousins, Ben; Gaidzanwa, Rudo, An overview of Fast Track Land Reform in Zimbabwe: editorial introduction
White, Ben; Borras, Saturnino M., Jr.; Hall, Ruth; Scoones, Ian; Wolford, Wendy, The new enclosures: critical perspectives on corporate land deals
Randeria, Shalini; Peschard, Karine, "Keeping seeds in our hands": the rise of seed activism
Levien, Michael, The land question: special economic zones and the political economy of dispossession in India
Scoones, Ian, Pastoralists and peasants: perspectives on agrarian change
Oliveira, Gustavo; Hecht, Susanna, Sacred groves, sacrifice zones and soy production: globalization, intensification and neo-nature in South America
Altieri, Miguel A.; Manuel Toledo, Victor, The agroecological revolution in Latin America: rescuing nature, ensuring food sovereignty and empowering peasants
van der Ploeg, Jan Douwe, From biomedical to politico-economic crisis: the food system in times of Covid-19
Giménez, Eric Holt; Shattuck, Annie, Food crises, food regimes and food movements: rumblings of reform or tides of transformation?
Moyo, Sam, Three decades of agrarian reform in Zimbabwe
Gerber, Julien-François, Degrowth and critical agrarian studies
Stone, Glenn Davis; Glover, Dominic, Heirloom rice in Ifugao: an 'anti-commodity' in the process of commodification
Bernstein, Henry, Agrarian political economy and modern world capitalism: the contributions of food regime analysis
Zoomers, Annelies, Globalisation and the foreignisation of space: seven processes driving the current global land grab
Saturnino M. Borras Jr., Ian Scoones, Amita Baviskar, Marc Edelman, Nancy Lee Peluso & Wendy Wolford, Climate change and agrarian struggles: an invitation to contribute to a JPS Forum
Woodhouse, Philip; Veldwisch, Gert Jan; Venot, Jean-Philippe; Brockington, Dan; Komakech, Hans; Manjichi, Angela, African farmer-led irrigation development: re-framing agricultural policy and investment?
Clapp, Jennifer; Newell, Peter; Brent, Zoe W., The global political economy of climate change, agriculture and food systems
van der Ploeg, Jan Douwe, The political economy of agroecology
Montenegro de Wit, Maywa, What grows from a pandemic? Toward an abolitionist agroecology
Taylor, Marcus, Climate-smart agriculture: what is it good for?
Moore, Jason W., The Capitalocene Part II: accumulation by appropriation and the centrality of unpaid work/energy
van der Ploeg, Jan Douwe, Farmers' upheaval, climate crisis and populism
Patel, Raj; Goodman, Jim, The Long New Deal
Agarwal, Bina, Food sovereignty, food security and democratic choice: critical contradictions, difficult conciliations
Borras, Saturnino M., Jr.; Franco, Jennifer C.; Isakson, S. Ryan; Levidow, Les; Vervest, Pietje, The rise of flex crops and commodities: implications for research
Schiavoni, Christina M., The contested terrain of food sovereignty construction: toward a historical, relational and interactive approach
Durante, Francesco; LaFleur, William; Chagnon, Christopher W.; Ollinaho, Ossi; Kangasluoma, Sohvi M.J.; Konttinen, Heidi; Vuola, Marketta P.S.; Kröger, Markus; Hokkanen, Saana; Hagolani-Albov, Sophia E.; Gills, Barry K., From extractivism to global extractivism: the evolution of an organizing concept
Desmarais, Annette Aurelie; Wittman, Hannah, Farmers, foodies and First Nations: getting to food sovereignty in Canada
Bernstein, Henry, Food sovereignty via the 'peasant way': a sceptical view
Fletcher, Robert; Dressler, Wolfram H.; Anderson, Zachary R.; Buscher, Bram, Natural capital must be defended: green growth as neoliberal biopolitics
Randeria, Shalini; Peschard, Karine, Taking Monsanto to court: legal activism around intellectual property in Brazil and India
McMichael, Philip, The land grab and corporate food regime restructuring